
Adakah haram penyusuan selepas 2 tahun

Setakat pembacaan dan kefahaman saya penyusuan susu ibu adalah sangat dituntut sehingga umur bayi 2 tahun menurut Al-Quran. Melainkan sekiranya si ibu tidak mampu meneruskan penyusuan atas sebab-sebab tertentu yang tidak dapat lagi dielakkan maka setelah mendapat persetujuan dari suaminya (bapa kepada bayi) maka, diharuskan untuk dihentikan. Bagaimana pun, suaminya (bapa kepada bayi) tersebut hendaklah mencari seorang ibu susuan bagi bayi tersebut bagi menyusukan bayi itu sehingga cukup umurnya 2 tahun untuk menyempurnakan tanggungjawabnya kepada bayi tersebut. Bagaimana pun, zaman sekarang ni amat sukar hendak mencari ibu susuan, maka ramai antara kita yang memilih susu formula.

Berbalik kepada persoalan sama ada haram atau tidak meneruskan penyusuan selepas 2 tahun, jawapannya adalah tidak sama sekali. Hukumnya adalah diharuskan.

Jawapan selanjutnya yang dipetik dari Islam Web - Fatwa center - Ruling on Breastfeeding

Q : At what age (beyond two years) would breast-feeding become a Haram act?

A :
Breast-feeding the baby is obligatory as long as it can not do without it. The scholars are not agreed over this issue. In the Malikite school of Fiqh, scholars believe that it is mandatory on the mother to breast-feed her baby as long as she is the wife of the father of the child. But if she was divorced a Bain divorce (divorced three times) she is not obliged to breast-feed him and also, if she is a noble woman who does not habitually breast-feed her children like women in her status. In both cases the woman is not obliged to breast-feed her child unless he does not accept the breast of other women.

The majority of the scholars believe that it is not compulsory on the mother to breast-feed her baby regardless of her being married or divorced except when the baby refuses to suck other woman or the husband can not hire a woman to breast feed his baby. Their evidence is the following verse: Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): "But if you make difficulties for one another, then some other woman may give suck for him (the father of the child)."[65:6] And this verse Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): "The mothers shall give suck to their children"[2:233]

The scholars claim that the meaning here does not reach obligation, it is only likable that the mothers breast-feed their babies because their milk is more suitable and they feel more compassion and love towards their own babies than other women. From this, we conclude that the suckling of the baby is an obligation on his father just like all his other expenditures.

Selain dari itu, saya juga menemui jawapan bagi persoalan kewajipan menyusukan bayi bagi seorang ibu dari laman web tersebut

Q :
Is it sinful not to breastfeed your child, because someone told me that in the day of judgement there is a snake that will bite the breast of the mother who did not breast feed her child.

A :
Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {The mothers shall give suck to their children …} [2: 233].
The Mufassirs (interpreters of the Qur'an) are of the opinion that though the phrasing of this verse is in the form of statement it denotes imperative meaning.
The Muslim scholars have various opinions concerning this order, whether is it an obligatory act or a desirable act. There are three opinions concerning this matter.
A) The order of breast-feeding is only for desirability.
B) It is an obligation if the marriage contract continues.
C) It is an obligation on women to breast feed their children whether the marriage contract continues or not.
The second opinion is the most correct. Therefore, a mother should carryout the job of breastfeeding if there is no legal excuse, such as sickness or not having the milk, etc.
Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {… Then if they give suck to the children for you, give them their due payment, and let each of you accept the advice of the other in a just way. …} [65: 6].
This verse deals with the matter of a divorced woman and proves that breast-feeding is not compulsory for her. Also, it is compulsory for a divorced woman to suckle her baby if he/she does not accept any other woman or when the father is missing. It is stated in 'Kashaf al-Qana'. 'If there is no other woman who can suckle a baby or he/she does not accept other than his/her mother in this case, it is obligatory on her to suckle her baby because protecting a living being is a very important obligation' .

As per our knowledge, there is no basis for the Hadith mentioned in the question that a snake would bite the breast of a mother who does not suckle her baby.
Allah knows best.

Ini bermakna, tiada hadith sahih yang membuktikan bahawa sekiranya seorang wanita itu tidak menyusukan anaknya maka diakhirat kelak dia akan dihukum dengan hukuman yang berat (ular menggigit kedua belah payudaranya) Bagaimana pun, sekiranya tiada alasan yang kukuh untuk tidak menyusukan anaknya, maka wanita itu hendaklah menyusukan anaknya. Sekiranya tidak mempunyai ilmu yang cukup, carilah ilmu itu supaya dapat menunaikan tanggungjawab tersebut. Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Mengetahui.

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