Other side of me


Tanda-tanda bayi kenyang selepas menyusu

Mungkin sesetengah ibu bimbang sekiranya bayi tidak mendapat susu yang sedikit. Ada juga ibu-ibu yang berasa kurang pasti berapa lamakah masa bagi setiap sesi penyusuan. Bayi yang disusukan dengan kaedah pelekapan (latch-on) betul biasanya memerlukan lebih kurang 20 minit masa penyusuan bagi setiap sesi.

Berikut adalah tanda-tanda bayi mendapat keperluan susu yang mencukupi :
* Bayi tampak puas, tidak menangis dan dapat tidur nyenyak.
* Selambat-lambatnya sesudah 2 minggu lahir, berat badan waktu lahir tercapai kembali.
* Setelah puas menyusui bayi akan tidur nyenyak. Bayi buang air kecil paling sedikit 6 kali perhari dan warna air kencing jernih atau kekuningan.
* Bayi sering buang air besar kuning dan tampak seperti berbiji.
* Bayi menyusu paling sedikit 8 kali dalam sehari.

Jangan bimbang sekiranya bayi anda ingin menyusu lagi selepas 5 minit satu sesi penyusuan tamat. Ini kerana adalah normal bagi bayi gemar menghisap.

"Babies love to suck. They suck not only for feeding, but for the pure joy of sucking. You may observe this vigorous response immediately after birth when a baby is breast-fed while its mother is still on the delivery table.

The best way to satisfy your baby's sucking needs is to provide a long enough feeding time to satisfy not only hunger, but also the need to suck. Breast-feeding usually takes care of this problem if the baby is allowed to nurse until he is satisfied. Usually twenty minutes is enough time to satisfy both hunger as well as sucking needs. If you bottle-feed, make sure the holes in the nipples are not so large that the baby finishes the milk in say ten minutes, but hasn't had a chance to satisfy his sucking needs.
" (Sumber : Sucking need )

Forum berkaitan : Susuibu.com

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